Naw ^^ Detta sa Liam om Miley nyligen i en intervju.
Om deras förhållanden:
“What happened happened, and we’ve been together two and a half years. She makes me really happy. When you start, you want to be professional, but when you’re filming those scenes with someone and pretending to love them, you’re not human if you don’t feel something.”
Liam är den nya familjemedlemen, vilket är något han är glad över att få vara.
“[Billy Ray] is very spiritual. He’s just one of the nicest guys. Very accommodating. I’ve listened to his music since we got together. It’s awesome,”
Intervjun fortsatte med att de disskuterade Mileys uttalande i november på hennes 19-års fest. Hon sa: “You know you’re a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake — you know you smoke way too much f—in’ weed,”.
Det blev senare rubriken på många artiklar och Liam försvarar Miley genom att säga:
“She’s in a room full of her best friends. And you have one person who comes in there and videos it. The poor girl can’t have one night where she can feel safe in her own world. It’s ridiculous.”
Glad alla hjärtans dag på er (ska läsas med värmländsk dialekt)♥
♥ Fira med de ni älskar ♥ Ni är inte lonely bara för att ni inte har någon pojkvän. Ni är självständiga personer med vänner eller familjer (eller både och) som älskar er :)
Bild 01: "oh us? just having a sissy shoot for family portraits with @vijphoto" Bild 02: "you know @tishcyrus is gonna be so proud of these pics @mileycyrus @vijphoto"
Whitney Houstons, 48, plötsliga bortgång väckte liv i hela Hollywood. Här några få av de tweets som stjärnorna har skrivit åt henne:
Miley Cyrus: “I LOVE Whitney I’m not turning my tv on. just gonna stay @ home & listen to her records.”
Pink: “Whitney was the reason many of us do what we do. “a few stolen moments is all that we share” RIP”
Alicia Keys: “I feel sick…. Life is precious, we are fragile souls. Let’s love each other! I miss you beautiful Whitney, the whole world misses you!!”
Mariah Carey: “Heartbroken and in tears over the shocking death of my friend, the incomparable Ms. Whitne Houston… She will never be forgotten as one of the greatest voices to ever grace the earth.”
Rihanna: “No words! Just tears #DearWhitney” Christina Aguilera: “We have lost another legend. Love and prayers to Whitney’s family. She will be missed.”
Nicki Minaj: “Jesus Christ, not Whitney Houston. Greatest of all time.”
Cee Lo Green: “R.I.P. Sister WHITNEY HOUSTON!!!!! We will always love you.”
Courteney Cox: “Devastating news about Whitney Houston. What an amazing talent.”
Paris Hilton: “So sad to hear the news about Whitney Houston. She was such a beautiful and talented woman. My heart goes out to her family.”
Eva Longoria: “My heart is broken… #ripWhitneyHouston”
Kelly Rowland: “I am beyond heartbroken. Whitney Houston was undoubtedly one of the greatest singers & performers of all time & such a huge influence on me.”
Sharon Osbourne: “Devastated. My heart goes out to Bobbi Christina. Always be proud of your mother, she was magnificent. Clive Davis Grammy party..not going. Mark Burnett party..not going. Can’t celebrate tonight when one of the greatest voices ever is dead.”
Timbaland: “rip 2 a Legendary Diva, Icon, Mother & Friend Whitney Houston. 1 of the greatest voices ever. u will be truly missed. R.I.P Whitney Houston”
Justin Bieber: “just heard the news. so crazy. One of the GREATEST VOICES EVER just passed. RIP Whitney Houston. My prayers go out to her friends and family”
Demi Lovato: “This can’t be true… One of my idols gone?? No. This is so unbelievably sad… #RIPWhitneyHouston”
Kelly Ripa: “:-( #RIP Whitney”
Katy Perry: “So devastating. We will always love you Whitney, R.I.P.”
Diddy: “Whitney Houston!!! OMG!! I really can’t believe this.. This is one of the saddest days ever..”
Bruno Mars: “This is terrible news..I’m sick to my stomach. Nobody sang like Whitney”
Fergie: “Whitney was a vocal idol for me as a young girl. I am so sad.”
Jennifer Lopez: “Such a loss. One of the greatest voices of our time. Sending out prayers to her family… #R.I.P.Whitney.”
Miley cyrus och vanessa Hudgens har samma tatuering
Före detta Disney stjärnan Vanessa Hudgens berättade nyligen att hon och Miley har likadana tatueringar. Det var i en intervju med "Access Hollywood live on friday" som hon blev frågad om People's choice awards.
Då svarade stjärnan:
"I got to see Miley that was really nice. We found out we have the same tattoo! It's an OM."
Vanessa berättade att den hjälpte henne att sprida positiv energi och hålla henne "centrerad".
"She has one right here" sa Vanessa och pekade på hennes vänstra handled.
We saw on Twitter that Miley Cyrus dared you to add crazy words into interviews – can you confirm you won’t do this today?!
[skrattar] “Yeah, I’m not gonna do that.”
You and Miley have more of a fiery relationship than the one you have with Selena – do you argue like sisters?
“Yeah definitely, she’s like a sister to me and she’s definitely my best friend.”
You’ve said Selena was the only friend who was really there for you when you were in rehab – has your friendship strengthened?
“Definitely, but other people were there for me too – Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, I had other people there for me, but I feel it definitely strengthened our friendship.
Cyrus skaffade för ett par månader sedan som var ett likamed tecken och stod för "All kärlek är lika". Nu skriver hon om varför hon skaffade den (läsvärt btw):
Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do—you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, “All LOVE is equal,” a lot of people mocked me—they said, “What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!” And I said, “Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.” The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, “Dude, everyone lay off.” Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?
I believe every American should be allowed the same rights and civil liberties. Without legalized same-sex marriage, most of the time you cannot share the same health benefits, you are not considered next of kin and you are not granted the same securities as a heterosexual couple. How is this different than having someone sit in the back of the bus because of their skin color?
One day I read online about the head of Urban Outfitters donating to a presidential candidate who does not support equality for everyone. I was shocked and disappointed that a company with such diversity would exclude such a large group of people. I can no longer bring myself to shop there.
We all should be tolerant of one another and embrace our differences. My dad [country singer Billy Ray Cyrus], who is a real man’s man, lives on the farm and is as Southern and straight as they come. He loves my gay friends and even supports same-sex marriage. If my father can do it, anyone can.
This is America, the nation of dreams. We’re so proud of that. And yet certain people are excluded. It’s just not right.
Sist, min besta ven... Y'know... Like best friend... GUUD är lite konstig idag... IAF, den hära tjejen har jag känt sedan jag var sex (hon 5) och SORRY för att jag inte kunde träffas idag (har problemas med min nacke, nackspärr. Så jag ser typ ut som en robot när jag rör mig):
Hellooo guys ;) Bry er inte om rubriken, lite random bara (slutet på en Eminem låt). HUR SOM HELST. Jag gör det här inlägget av en anledning. Ni som läser min blogg, har ni någon blogg? Skulle nämligen vara kul och se sina läsare ^^ Skriv era länkar in the comment section below ↓ Sedan länkar jag kanske er, vem vet...
PS. EN till sak jag är lite nyfiken på, hur tror ni att jag är som person? Hur tror ni att jag ser ut och så :)
Nån ba love Miley och Vickilovemiley: Det är i USA som det visas, kanske i sverige. Men annars brukar Ellen gå på 5an mellan 12-2 ngn gång. Kollar alltid på det när jag är hemma :)
MIkaela: Tack så jättemycket! Jag vet inte, det är inte så att de har bråkat eller något men de har inte träffat varandra sedan de slutade spela in Hannah Montana för några månader sedan. Jag tror Jason Earls är den enda som Mileyy träffar från HM-gänget
Maja: Har svarat på den här fråga 100 000 gånger XD men jag går in på Miley fansites som t ex, läser Mileys twitter, FB osv och sedan, som sagt var, har jag läst hennes bok och kollat på i stort sett alla intervjuer med henne.
PS, all the people out there som tror att man bara kan googla på lite Mileyfakta och allt finns där. Don't, allt blir så ytligt och man får inte veta allt. Ett lätt exemel: Det står att hennes favoritbok är Don't die my love men hon har flera. T ex Kite runner är också en av hennes favoritböcker :) Börja kolla på intervjuer från 2006-2011, se hur mycket hon har förändras, it's kinda cool :) Ni kanske ska börja med den här? SOO CUTE, spola fram till 0.35