
Is this why they call her 'Smiley Miley'

Say what?

Beautiful girl...

Okej... Jag vet att han sjunger "Boy", men whatever!


introduktionen till introduktionen + introduktionen

Så, de första kapitlerna är inte de bästa, men det är de aldrig i böcker. (Ps, jag har "miles to go 5 new chapters" så hon har kagt till 5 kapitel efter hon gjorde The last song)

PS. Ett tips (Om du har en skrivare hemma eller på skolan/jobbet) kopiera texten, klistra in den i word eller liknande och skriv ut. Det är skönare att läsa + då kan du ta bort 'skrivet av  cyrusmiley' taggarna :)


Before the before
It's weird to have an introduction to an introduction. But since this is the first time my book will be in paperback, it seems as good a time as any to do a little refreshing.

The other day I heard someone say, "Youth is wasted on the young." I don't remember who said it, or if they were older or younger or in the middle, but the line hit me and made me think. Sort of like when you see a truly beautiful sunset *I'm in love with sunsets right now* and it just settles in the back of your mind, makes you wonder about all the sunsets you've seen before. I don't want my youth to be wasted. The miles are zooming by and I know that if I don't slow down, I'll miss some of the best ones. That is part of what I loved so much about working on this book. Like I said, Miles to go is one of those stopping points. Where I get to step back, take a breath, and count all my blessings. And yes, I have so much to be thankful for.

7 things I've done since this book came out

1. Made a new CD
2. Made a new movie
3. Hung out with friends and family
4. Recorded a song with an old friend
5. Saw Hannah Montana get to the big screen!
6. Got a goat! (Thanks daddy!)
7. Became addicted to twittter! (and then deleted it!)

I told you I'm way into sunsets right now, and that is mostly because of Tybee Island, Georgia. It's where we filmed "The last song". The movie is based on a Nicholas Sparks *Love his work* book and Veronica "Ronnie" Miller, the character I play, could not be any more different from Hannah Montana. I loved the challenge. The movie is magic. But so is Tybee island. I'm pretty sure the island actually has some kind of magic calming ability. From the moment I got there, I was so happy. I'd sit on the deck of the house we rented with my mom and drink tea and just look out at the water. I loved playing guitarr on that deck, watching the dolphins and just getting back to me. I hated to leave When I did, I cried for days straight *I'll get to that later*. My mom kept telling me that I was lucky, because I had had the chance to experience something so magical and amazing that would live on in the movie and in the friendships I made *Love you, cast and crew!*. It took a while, but then I came around, and now I know what she said is true. (Skrivet av cyrusmiley.blogg.se, kopiera inte). I wouldn't have figured all that out though, if I hadn't stopped to let the emotions soak in. I'm trying hard to keep these memories close to my heart. I want to be able to pull them out on a rainy day, just like I can pull this book out years from now and remember. Like I said, I don't want my youth to be wasted and I don't want it forgotten.

Of course, there are some things I would LIKE to forget. Who doesn't have a moment they would like to erase *You know you do!*? I don't mean to complain and I'm not trying to play the sympathy card- But when you are in the spotlight, people like to make sure you never forget the bad moments. There are a lot of haters out there.
Dad always tells me I need to grow a thicked skin and not care about what people say, but it's pretty hard. I like to say whats on my mind. I like to do what I want to do. It's all a part of beeing a kid, and my parents and friends want me to be a kid as much as I can. But sometimes people say hurtful things. Tell me I'm pretending to be deep. And I guess maybe I am growing a thicker skin, because I realize that I can't please everyone. I'm lucky I have the opportunities I have. I thank God every day for them. Now I have another of those mile markets to plant. This is at a new point in my life, and things are totally changing. But I like the sunsets I saw on Tybee Island, the miles I've alredy gone are going to stay with me. 


Okay, this is gonna sound like a weird place to start, but I think a lot about my hands. I was born left-handed. My dad is also a lefty, but he's absolutely convinced that I'm right-handed. I think it's because he has always said lefties have to "learn the world backwards," and I knowhe had a hard time finding a left-handed guitarr every now and then... (Skrivet av cyrusmiley.blogg.se, kopiera inte). Whatever the reason, from the time I started to write, he had me use my right hand. It worked. In the rest of my life I'm left-handed, but I do write with my right hand. So if you don't like my handwriting- talk to my dad.

Just to mess with my left-handed self a little more, I came across a book about calligraphy and started teaching myself to write chinese  characters. With my right hand. On  a plane. I was flying chartered jet from Los Angeles to New York. The flight was turbulent, the ink spilled at least twice, and I managed to get it all over myself, the paper, the seats of the plane, and, when I tried to clean up the mess, the bathroom. My mom was yelling at me for getting ink everywhere, but I was really into it. The word calligraphy is greek for "Beautiful writing." Belive me, people, if the greeks saw what I was doing they'd make up a new name for it. But I was immediatlely obsessed. I drew the characters for "love", "luck", "life" and "knowledge" over and over again, first slowly and carefully like a kindergarner learning to write, then faster and better.

It's a good thing the plane wasn't equipped for skywriting, or I probably would have tried to convince the pilot to take a stab at the sign "Rock on". There's got to be a ancient Chinese character for that, right?

7 hobbies I was obsessed over for 5 seconds

1. Calligraphy
2. Beading
3. Knitting (for two seconds)
4. scrapbooking
5.Reading the lifestory of einstein
6. Being a marine biologist
7. High fashion

Some people belive that you handwriting tells all you secrets- That the slants and loops and dots of a scribbled to-do list or a note passed in class reveal all there is to know about a person. It's a cool idea, but really I think the only thing anyone can tell from my handwriting is that I'm supposed to be writíng with my other hand. I do almost everything  else- brush my hair, open doors, hold a fork, and carry the reins of my horses with my left hand. And, you know, my dad had a point -I do think the world feels a little bit backwards sometimes even when I'm trying to keep everything going in the right direction. Maybe because I've felt so aware of them, I've always been superprotective of my hands. I know, I know: Weird *You might be reagind this word a lot in this book. Or at least thinking it*.  But I just feel as through my hands are important. My energy comes from them. Everything I do comes from them. My right hand is for art. I use it to play guitar and write. My left hand is for caring. For combing my little sisters hair (Skrivet av cyrusmiley.blogg.se, kopiera inte). For holding hands with friends. For comforting Sofie, my puppy, as we fall asleep. (And occasionally for slapping my brother Braison upside the head when he's picking on me. I know- But everybody has their limits!)

I let both my hands wander freely on a piano, searching for the right notes. My hands steer my thoughts when I write in my journal. They riffle through my bible, finding truths.  The beat for a new song emerges as I drum on a tabletop. I feel my way through hard times. I want all I do to be artistic and loving. Who I am and what I say and whatever hope and joy I may spread- It att comes from my own two hands. Am I right handed? Am I left handed? Am I neither? Am I a singer or an actor? Am I a public person or a private person? Why can't I be all these things? I'm on TV. I'm writing a book. But I also love staying at home with my family. And I feel alone- in a good way- inside my head. Am I the person you know from televison, photographers, even this book? Or are we all, each of us, more exclusive, and harder to define? Who am I to say? Most people know me as Hannah Montana, but Hanna is a televison character. She's fiction. Sure, I've put a lot of myself into her. I've tryed to make her come to life. But that doesn't make her real, and it doens't make her me. This is my very own book -My first chance to tell my story in my own words. But to tell my story, I have to talk about Hannah. And that's okay, because I think people relate to both Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart- my alter egos on TV. There are multiple sides to all of us. Who we are- and who we might be if we follow our dreams. It seems like I'm always answering questions about myself: I do interviews on TV, radio  and for magazines; I talk to paparazzi and strangers on the street. Over and over I tell people (and so far it's always true) that the tour's going great, that the show is so much fun, and I'm so pround of my album. But nobody ever comes up to me and asks, "Hey, how do you feel about your hand? How are they connected to your art? What do they mean to you?" *Suprise, suprise!* (Skrivet av cyrusmiley.blogg.se, kopiera inte). This book is the place where I can explain and joke and muse and explore what's truly important to me. I want to answer the questions I'm never asked. I want to let my guard down. I want to talk about what music meand to me, and I want to show that my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's not like I've never been hurt or broken. I've felt pressure, unwanted, sad, bored and lonely. And I've felt great joy and gratitude. I want to share who I really am- Not the straight-edged, photoshopped, glossy girl who appears onmagazine covers, but a nashville-born middle child who loves Marilyn Monroe and hates vegetables and has some rather funny ideas about her own hands. When I started working on this book I was fifteen and I turned sixteen by the time I finished it. I'm pretty young to be writing about my life. But I'm considered pretty young for plenty of the things I do and enjoy. There's nothing wrong with being young. Young people have lots of energy! We have lots to say. I've never had a shorttage of thoughts, ideas and opinions. I'm having an incredible journey, and it's going superfast. So I want to plant a mile market right here- At this particular bend in the road- before it's image starts to fade as I keep moving forward. I hope you can kick back and enjoy the ride *forget the cheesy driving metaphor* hang with me for a while. 

Så, det var allt för idag! WOW JAG ÄR TRÖTT NU!

IDÉ + saker...

Ok, så jag tänkte, eftersom ni som läser min blogg troligtvis är stora Miley fans ;) så undrar jag om ni skulle vilja att jag la ut ett kapitel från "Miles to go" varje vecka? Tyvärr är finns boken bara på engelska och jag skulle inte orka översätta varje kapitel. Men det var bara en tanke. I alla fall, jag satt nyss och bläddrade i boken och då hittade jag en ganska söt del.


And in the very beginning (av kändisskapet) everything was so new that nothing felt remotely slow. I remember the first time I really gussied up for the red carpet was for the premiere of Chicken little. It was a Disney movie and I wanted to see it, so I asked for tickets to the premiere. Mom and I went shopping for a fancy dress at Charlotte Russe. I remember saying, "Mom, can't I tell them I have a premiere?" I thought they'd give me extra help or bring me a glass of sparkling water or something. Mom said, "No one's going to belive you. Do you know how many people in LA that comes into stores and say that?"
I ended up wearing a black blazer with a cross on it. I thought I was cute- But compared to what I wear these days... When we went to the movie I walked down the red carpet, toward all the flashing cameras and photographers yelling stars' names. "Zach! Joan! Steve!" When I strolled by, the cameras were lowered. There was a silence. They had no idea who I was. So much for my red-carpet fantasy.

When the movie was over, mom and I went to the after-party. Everyone was talking and mingling and everyone seemed to know each other. We got our plates of food and looked for a place to sit. All the tables were full of people who had obviously been in the business longer than me. There was no place to sit. So we plopped down on the floor to eat. Nobody noticed us. We were the biggest losers in history. It was pretty humbling.


Så vad tycker ni? Vill ni höra hela boken från början?

Tyvärr har jag en bra/dålig nyhet. Jag ska till London på onsdag så jag kommer kanske inte kunna updatera bloggen på ca 6-7 dagar. Kika in på fredagen, om jag inte har updaterat den då kommer jag troligen inte göra det under hela resan.
Det är därför jag inte har svarat på Idas fråga om student/avslutningsklänningar. Om du villha ett snabbt svar kan du ju alltid fråga mileyraycyrus.webblogg.se eller mileycyruz.blogg.se, för jag kommer tyvärr inte ha tid.

Don't you know you know, you're beautiful

Life is all about havin’ a good timeluv herCongrats for the KCA award




 The best part of my carreer is getting to meet so many different people, because I learn so much from everyone





erkänn, jag är grymm!

Haha! Fortfarande amatör, men riktigt stolt! Brukar inte gilla remixar, men denna låt är jättebra! Iaf, det är oftast jättesvårt att göra långa videor, men det här gick ganska bra.


Som ni ser så är vissa grejer på bloggen rätt konstiga nu, men det är för att jag håller på att ändra små bitar av designen :)

I ♥ You no matter what


I forgot to say out loud, how beautiful you really are to me. You're my role model, my inspiration. I don't care what the world thinks, you're beautiful just the way you are. 'Too skinny', 'fat', done looking for the critics cuz it's everywhere. Don't listen to all the people who hate, cause it's your life... Your own words I guess... Never forget that there's always gonna be people to support you, that wants to help YOU, not Hannah Montana or the huge pop-sensation Miley Cyrus. They want the girl behind all makeup. Girl, you amaze me. You're confused, the world couldn't care less. I promise you that it won't always feel this bad, there are so many things I wanna say to you. My inspitation, you've gotta face for a smile, oh you know.
So what if you say you're not like the others, what if you say you're not just another one of their plays? I'm proud to say 'there goes my hero, she's ordinary'. You mean so much to me My inspiration.


KOMMENTAR: Alla de stycken i fetstil är tagna från låtar. Kan ni gissa vilka? Nej, sitt inte tänk på det för vissa är väldigt svåra! Te x i: it's your life... Your own words I guess... Och: what if you say you're not like the others, what if you say you're not just another one of their plays? så sjunger de egentligen om sig själva alltså, it's MY life, MY own words I guess.

Ni borde kunna gissa iaf tre st. Artister som jag har tagit citat från är: P!NK (många av dem är från hennes låtar), Eminem, Justin Timberlake, Demi Lovato, Foo Fighters, Miley Cyrus och Bruno Mars.


Är inte världens största amatör längre! Börjar lära mig! Se gärna videon nedan, gjorde den nyss. Älskar låten btw.


OMG!!! Min första header ever!!! Hade det på min första blogg Mileyhannah (finns ej längre). Så ful... Aja, typ ingen av mina läsare lär veta vad mileyhannah är för jag hade typ 0,5 besökare per dag. Jag kommer ihåg att jag blev jätteglad en gång när jag fick 5 besökare!! Haha, har lite högre förväntningar nu. Skulle bli chockad och ledsen om jag bara hade 5 på statistiken nu ;)

Elly Coolish Larsen ;P

Länk till Elisabeth, eftersom hon har den bäst uppdaterade bloggen av de jag känner... (Josefin, du kanske får en länk senare :)

SÅ: http://elisabethforevah.blogg.se/http://elisabethforevah.blogg.se/http://elisabethforevah.blogg.se/http://elisabethforevah.blogg.se/

God kväll :)

MUSIK! En sådan fantastisk sak :) Jag kan inte gå en dag utan att lyssna på musik. Jag har ingen speciell musikstil, jag gillar i stort sätt ALLT (Förutom opera och klassiskt). Sist kommer min P!NK-bomb. Hon är den mest begåvade musikern tillsammans med Miles tycker jag :) And no, there's no Bieber on my playlists!

Här är lite låtar jag diggar:

Nirvana -Heart shaped box

Petter -Längesen

Adele -Cold shoulder
John Lennon -Jealous guy

The Runaways -Cherry Bomb

The pretty reckless -Goin' down

Metro Station -Shake it (Mileys broders band :)

Madonna -Hung up (Så niiiice)

U+ur hand

Leave me alone

Long way to happy

Who knew
Cuz' I can
I'm not dead

Conversations with my 13 year old self

God is a DJ

F**king perfect (KOLLA VIDEON! SÅÅ BRA)


Vid- ett-speciellt-tillfälle-look

 2005. En av hennes första stora 'kändisupplevelser' var Ashley Tisdales födelsedagsfest. Så sööt!

2006, fortfarande lite ovan vid att vara på röda mattan.

2007, världsvan kändis.


2008, ja vad ska man säga. När jag såg denna bild för första gången blev jag käär. Så vacker.

2009, pose-proffs.

2010, en vacker, intelligent, omtänksam och rolig kvinna står framför oss nu!


Vardagliga stilen

2006, paparazzi-posare. Hon har inget emot att ge dem några bilder.

2007... En vanlig tonåring.

2008, snyggaste frisyren ever!! F** vad jag älskar den! Hon ser så J**** söt ut i den...!

2009, vad ska man säga? Flera album sålda, filmer gjorda och en själboigrafi skriven... Fantastiskt

2010, hon presenterar sitt nya jag för världen och blir dränkt i kommentarer, negativa som positiva

Miley har uppnått sååå mycket och jag ser verkligen upp till henne.

tack för iden: mileycyruz.blogg.se

Vad är det man säger? När katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet?

Så... Har ni hört ordspråket i rubriken? Jadu... Detta är ett personligt inlägg kan jag säga redan nu för er som inte är intresserade. Nu sitter jag och väntar på att detta fina hjärta av nagellack ska torka. Målade det på min dator! Är det inte fint? Hehe... När jag är ensam hemma då du. Aja! Ha det bra, sitter här med brist på Miley nyheter vilket förklarar detta inlägg.


Nu är den 'riktiga' videon ute! Som ni märker kan man faktiskt se Miley uppträda. Lite bättre måste jag säga. Well! Hoppas  ni gillar den... Bara så att ni vet kmr jag hem runt halv 6, 6 imorgon så bloggen kommer stå orörd till dess (hoppas jag).

LYSSNA + Vad hände med Avan Jogia?

Hello! Jag vill bara börja med att säga, jag är INTE bra på att redigera videor! Hur som helst. Jag har gjort en liten video där jag tycker Mileys röst låter bäst. Den är ganska kort, men lyssna själv och säg vad du tycker. Jag kommer nog försöka göra om den lite mer ordentligt någon annan gång men jaja! Alla de här låtarna är live och alltså inte redigerade. Det står fel på några ställen i videon som ni kanske ser, men hey, den är i HD iaf :)

B TW! Någon undrade hur det var med Miley och Avan Jogia. Svaret är att jag tror de bara flirtade på den festen eftersom att man inte har hört av dem igen. Hon har inte ens träffat honom. Men men! Vem vet, hon är ju i New Orleans nu så det är ju svårt för dem att träffas...

Mileys senaste 'get ur good on'

Här är Mileys senaste Get ur good on inlägg.

Posted Januari 12th
A year ago the world wept at the devastating images from Haiti. Shortly after the earthquake, I asked all of you in the Get Ur Good On community to support relief efforts in Haiti. I want to thank everyone that answered my call to help by selling bracelets, hosting bake sales, creating music videos, and so much more.  It has been 1 year since the earthquake, but there is still work that needs to be done. I want you to continue getting your good on for Haiti and donating the money you raise to organizations that are still helping there like the Red Cross and the J/P Haitian Relief Organization. Remember to share your blogs, pics, and videos on GetUrGoodOn.org; I want to see all the good you’re doing.

Xoxox Miley

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