Mike Schmid pratar om Mileys Lilac wine

"I don’t get involved with tabloid BS because it’s none of my business. But when people say Miley is untalented or can’t sing, that’s something I DO know about, because I’ve been working with her since she was 14 and the girl is REALLY good. She knows what she’s doing, and she does it with more style and personality than most people ever could. So yeah, it does bother me when people say that we “fixed” up her vocal.

I recorded it with her, and all you’re hearing is our live take, with some compression and a little reverb on the vocal to give it spice (which is VERY standard). There WERE no producers. We just played it, then our buddy Hager mixed it and added said compression and verb. What you hear is pretty much what it sounded like in the yard. That IS the real Miley."


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