Seems like everything's good again... No great!

BILLY RAY! Yes, det blir ingen skilsmässa!

"I feel like I kind of got my Miley back in a way. I feel like we are the daddy and the daughter that we were before Hannah Montana happened. Our communication, we have laughed a lot in the last couple of days."
"I was talking to Miley last night and she was talking about New York and then I noticed that she felt...there was a sadness." 

Billy Ray frågade om hon (Miley) mådde bra och hon: "sent me a picture and I thought it looked like she'd been crying and I asked her and she said 'Well there's some stuff about a picture and they said I was drunk.'"

"I went back and relooked at the picture, and I go 'Baby, I'm sorry it's just got to be tough. She said ‘It's embarrassing. It hurts my feelings' and she said, most importantly, 'It was a lie. I wasn't drinking. I wasn't drunk. I was just trying to get to my car after a meeting.'"

"Communication, I think, is one of the biggest problems that we as human beings have in this whole world, and I think for the first time me and my entire family are finally communicating with each other in a way...Things are really the best they've ever been."

"I dropped the divorce," sade Cyrus . "I wanted to put my family back together."


Postat av: Frida

VAR och NÄR kan man köpa biljetter till Miley's turné? Tacksam för svar! :)

2011-03-18 @ 17:40:36

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