bästa bikini bodyn 2011

Hollywoods snyggaste bikini bodys har blivit framröstade. Miley kom på 7:e plats, detta skrev dem:
07. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth took advantage of the hot and sunny weather in Southern California and hit the beach in Malibu. The two checked in to the Malibu Beach Inn and spent the day together hanging out on the beach. The two lovebirds made out on the rocks as well as in their beach chairs. They took pictures of each other and walked up and down the beach talking and laughing. Miley went in the water for a quick second, only to realize that the water was freezing cold and quickly jumped out.

Postat av: moa

märkte nu att mileys tatuering som hon har under bröste är alldeles vit!?

2011-12-28 @ 00:42:15
Postat av: Thegomez

Kolla om det var eran blogg som vann "christmas Blog awards 2011"

Bra Jobbat ändå om du inte vann :) <3

2011-12-28 @ 12:54:03
URL: http://thegomez.blogg.se/

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