Miley tar över @Gypsyhearttours twitter
gypsyhearttour Yo guys! Its MC! Thank you so much for my KCA! =] PS I am taking over the Gypsy Heart twitter! Gotta keep ya posted on tour <3 come see me!
vor 39 Minuten
gypsyhearttour Lets get me back to as many followers as before!!!!!! SO EXCITED FOR TOUR I CAN BARELY STAND IT!
vor 38 Minuten
gypsyhearttour @pumpkinseat I am practicing "who owns my heart" using my hair brush as a microphone. I have a freaking cute audience! =] LILA!!!!
vor 34 Minuten
gypsyhearttour @LoveForCyrus I dont think @mileycyrus is coming back any time soon but help me get as many followers! I wanna connect with my fans =]
vor 21 Minuten
gypsyhearttour MILEY WON is still trending WORLDWIDE! How did I get so lucky =] I have the best fans ever!
vor 16 Minuten
gypsyhearttour "Do not fear...the Sheenius is here!" I'm not gonna lie. I came back to twitter for 2 reasons. My fans and to follow @charliesheen #winning
vor 10 Minuten
gypsyhearttour Lets make this a trending topic. #RADIATELOVE
vor 7 Minuten
gypsyhearttour Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. #RADIATELOVE
vor 5 Minuten
gypsyhearttour Laying in bed listening to Adele. 21 is my favorite album of 2011.
4 hours ago
gypsyhearttour Sunday is my favorite. I have yet to leave the house. I'm sitting in front of my fire place listening to Jeff Buckley. GOD bless his soul.
3 hours ago
gypsyhearttour Eating dinner with my beautiful family. GOD is so good. #RADIATELOVE
2 hours ago
gypsyhearttour One of the many reasons I love my life :) oh Lila. Why are you so perfect???