Ibörjan av intervjun börjar intervjuaren snacka med Miley på spanska (de är i madrid) och då säger Miley.
"I failed spanish I’m really, really bad at it. It’s not really the words; it’s the pronunciation that’s the hard part.”

So, is your birthday coming up?

Yes very soon. I'm not going to go crazy, just have a small party and then maybe take a vaccation with my family. Cuz that'd be really cool, I think we all need time all be togheter. So that's be rad if we could all go to the beach or something.

Where are you going?

No idea! Somewhere near water. I’m a water baby; I have to be near the water and I love doing scuba and going out and being on a boat.”

Så nu vet vi lite om vad Miley ska göra på sin födelsedag! Alltså var alla rykten om att hon skulle ha en vild fest med alkohol falska!


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