Josh Hutcherson om Miams bröllop

Ska du gå på Miley och Liams bröllop? “I’m definitely going to go. I’m for sure gonna go. Liam’s my boy! I’m definitely going to be there to support him. I haven’t been invited, so I have to get the invite first to know if I’m going. I’ve got to make sure I’m invited. I say I’m going, but I don’t know, maybe Liam has other plans for that.I know when I talked to him that they hadn’t had any plans. This was like a couple months ago when they first had made an announcement, but I don’t know what the plans are. I know he’s in Philly, I think he was in New Orleans for a while too, he’s been bouncing around. It’s tough when you’re in a relationship and you’re on set. I’m not in one right now because of that. Because I’m about ready to go away for like four months and it’s very challenging to keep your mind focused…”


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